Sunday, October 4, 2015

Basically I can do hard things

So basically nothing truly went right this entire week! Through the week I have gone from plan A to plan Z it feels like, and in the end it worked more or less! I just ran and worked like crazy all week, but first the questions! 

  • So were you bored this week?
I was not bored this week, far from it! 
I did get most everyone legal, but like not quite. I missed five people I had planned due to some mad complications.

  • How did Elder Jacobsen do? Was he able to get around okay?
At first it was hard and we took taxis for him or sent him with my boss Elder Vilche who had a car, but the second time we went he had a wheelchair so it was way easier!

  • Where do you go for General Conference? What is it like for you?
I am watching it in my office in English and it is awesome! I love conference!

Saturday night we went home and we waxed our chests kinda... It didn't work so well, we didn't really know what we were doing so we ended up with mad amounts of wax just stuck to our stomachs and we just ripped it off…just small piece by piece, but I think it was way fun, it hurt so bad, but at least I did it! When we got it to work right it wasn't that bad, but how we started it was hell.

Sunday we went to church and I came back and got everything ready for San Luis. Then when I finished that because we failed at waxing, me and my comp Bings shaved our legs, it was way fun and not near as painful. Then I felt a women, I felt like I was breaking rules touching my own legs…it had been so long since I had felt that kind of thing. It was awesome! Then I got everyone here and set up to sleep and was ready for the next day!

Monday I couldn't sleep due to the overwhelming feeling that I wasn't ready for San Luis so at 1:50am I finally got up and went and showered, then we were out by 2:30am to the offices and it was all good. I then got to the bus I had rented, but it was two seats less then I had planned, so I was freaking out like what do I do with these two kids who are stuck here at two thirty in the morning… and so i sent them home. From that moment on nothing went right! We got to the hotel and got some breakfast and put the bags away and went to the first tramite place, the lady told me that she wasn't doing the step I needed to do until later that night. I was like crap, okay next step then, we got to that place and I had a friend in the police station who is way helpful and she wasn’t there and so I was a little out of place on that one, and then it took us forever there. Then the place I go to get passport photos taken was closed too, I had to go to a different place. After that we had lunch and I was told by my boss that migraciones  would be closed for the next two days because they wanted to go out and look for Chinese people in the markets so no one would be in the offices for me to go and get the work done with anyways. So I had to call President, call the buses I had rented, call the people in the zones, and explain it to the people with me, get permission, and then we still had to finish another step, honestly the most important step, and then once we had finished that we jumped on the bus or big van I had rented and went home. I was up working until two in the morning finishing lists and emails of people going and what I was doing for the hotel and other plans I had made! It was a rough day.

Tuesday I got up and went over to the terminal for the buses and I started trying to trade tickets and it was a pain just trying to have everything be how I wanted it to for when this next group made it back, but it was fine after working through a couple logistical problems I finished that and we were all fine. Then my boss Elder Vilche showed up to Mendoza and wanted to go to the Mendoza migraciones and get some stuff fixed and I was like, “Oh goodie more fighting”, and so we went. They talked, I just sorta hung out, but I learned some stuff and I know how I'm going to do some stuff that needs to get done, so i just need to get it done. Then my boss and his wife took me to lunch, we had a good time together and we just talked about girls and life and plans I have and what I want to do. Elder Vilche is a big deal in Argentina and he told me that if I do go home and work for the church he would love to have me covering the South American area from the states so I could help from there! That was really cool! Then I just worked and planned for the new trip I was making on Thursday and trying to buy tickets and the bus renting and all that jazz. Then I had to take people to areas and there are very few hermana areas here close to Mendoza and I had to put 11 people in areas for two days, so I was driving 45 minutes just to put hermanas in an area, and it was a little harder. But then at night around 10pm I crashed into bed and was out.

Wednesday I worked more on planning started getting all my papers together, called people about when we were leaving, started to notify the people in charge, pulled out more money, and just went about doing all the things that had to get done before the next day. To make things even more complicated when we all got back that night from picking up people from 45 minutes away called San Martin I was trying to find everyone beds  because we also had a leadership conference that next day, so my office was loaded with hermanas and elders and I was just running around trying super hard to make it all work. In the end I just was like whatever… do whatever you want and called it good! So then I finally got home at 12:15am because 2 idiots missed their bus and had to come down to Mendoza instead of just going strait to San Luis. Whatever I'm not that mad, well actually I am, the ticket was in English and Spanish and they still missed the bus. Hmmmm…. angry Jayson.

Thursday I did sleep a little, but not a ton like an hour, and then I was gone again on the buses to San Luis, we got there and everything actually worked, it was awesome, we got peoples tramites done and it went great! Then I forgot a passport, so I called Mendoza because I had 3 people coming in and they could bring it for me, it turns out I forgot other papers for this kid anyways, but hey at least I tried right? Then we had lunch, I got the hermanas on a bus, then I took a  nap, and then we went out and opened the mouth, well I didn’t, I went with Jacobsen and we went shopping we got llama jackets and mates and some jazz music and it was really fun for us, at least I enjoyed it! Then it was just the elder and we had to wait in the terminal for 2 hours alone with a hermana because we had another coming, we just chatted with this girl for forever and we felt really apostate, but it was fun! The other girl showed up, she had just had a colonoscopy and a biopsy in her stomach and had traveled for 4 hours in a bus and she was hurting a ton, I knew about the colonoscopy, but a stomach biopsy no, so I felt way bad. We got back to the hotel and gave her a blessing and it was really good! Then we went back to the room and just thought of plans to get her home in a worst case scenario. It was stressful really!

Friday we finished everything fine, I got everyone done, I have to go back to get paperwork on Monday, but it shouldn't be too bad! A 3 hour drive there and back and then I'm done so I just need to finish! We had the best milinesa, it was so good and then we went home on the buses. After that I just got people going home to areas and trying to get them there quickly, and then I just worked on putting in all the numbers in the computer so the area could see the work I did! It was awesome, I felt so good about everything I got done this month, because honestly it was a ton of work and somehow I still was able to get it all done! Now I just need to keep it going! 

Saturday just watching conference and cleaning up messes from the San Luis trips… it was a really long hard week!

So basically I can do hard things if you didn't know, I’m sorta a boss now! My goal is to keep my mission under 20 people illegal from here on out, but we will see how I do. It’s kinda hard, but I think I can do it! I love you mom, I'm being good and strong to the best of my abilities! I’m loving conference and can’t wait to see what priesthood session brings! 
Love, Jayson

P.S. My bad I really thought I sent this last night, but I felt the need to get on and check this morning just to see — good thing I did too huh? ;)

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